In order to improve the human resources of UMMI as an effort of internationalization, Muhammadiyah University of Sukabumi continues doing internationalization activites. On Wednesday, 2nd November 2016, International Office of Muhammadiyah University of Sukabumi held Sharing Best Practice Seminar with the theme of “Enforcement of Student Activity in International Level”. The seminar was held at the auditorium of UMMI and was attended by all the academic communities, such as deans, head of departments, lecturers and semester 1, 3, 5 students from departments with a category “Accredited B”. The objectives were to prepare the students and the departments in upcoming internationalization programs from International Office (Kantor Urusan Internasional) of UMMI.
The event was divided into 2 sessions, the first one was a seminar which was held from 08:00 to 12:00, with Erwin Akib, M.Pd., Ph.D from Kantor Urusan Internasional Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar as the speaker. The second session was a discussion among the participants and the speaker about internationalization program.
In the first session, Mr. Erwin explained several matters:
- The conditions to conduct international activities.
- The importance of international activities in improving quality of university.
- How to implement international activities.
- The benefits of internationalization.
- The focus of internationalization of universities.
The second session started at 1 p.m. The discussion session was attended only by head of departments and dean of faculties with a category “Accredited B”. The discussion was about the infromation of international community service and teaching practice at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), such as the dormitory, the activities and the school curriculum.