English for Specific Purposes (ESP) Graduation 2017/2018 Academic Year

Language Centre

International Office and Language Centre of Muhammadiyah Unviersity of Sukabumi (UMMI), at the end of academic year of 2018/2018 held English for Specific (ESP) Graduation on September 4, 2018. ESP Graduation is a graduation event for students who have passed English for Specific Purposes course. The event was attended by Sakti Alamsyah (Rector of UMMI), Saprudin (Head of International Office and Language Centre), Deans, Heads of Departments, Students Affair Unit, ESP Instructors and students who enrolled in ESP course.

A total of 830 students were graduated satisfactorily. 10 students who gained best scores among others during ESP Program were chosen and summoned to the podium to receive reward directly from the Rector of UMMI, Sakti Alamsyah. They are:

  1. Nazila Laila, Informatics Engineering Deparment
  2. Desi Permatasari, Accounting Department
  3. Fendira Lutfianisa, Business Administration Department
  4. Tresna Adisya, Nursing Department
  5. Sandi Faridillah, Agribusiness Department
  6. Siti Syifa Sedaryanti, Mathematics Education Deparment
  7. Pertiwi Rahmadania Haidar, Public Administration Department
  8. Maratun Rohmah Susanti, Biology Education Department
  9. Sakinah Nurhidayanti, Bahasa Indonesia Education Department
  10. Rima Budianingsih, Elementary School Teacher Education Deparment

International Office and Langauge Centre of UMMI has prepared 4 free tickets to Malaysia as a special reward for 3 best students who have not only gained best scores, but also best in comprehension and practice and 1 best ESP instructor. The 3 best students are:

  1. Haekal Arfan, Civil Engineering Department
  2. Sonia, English Literature Department
  3. Aulia Nurfalah, Nursing Department

And the best instructor is:

  1. Esty Yuliana, S.Ip.

The awardees are scheduled to have excursion in Malaysia in November, 2018. Rewards are intended to motivate students in ESP program. Haekal Arfan, one of the best students said that honestly, he was very motivated by the reward promised by IO & LC of UMMI at the socialization of ESP Program. He said that he wanted to fly abroad.

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